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2nd show - The Wrestlemania Pre-show Special Edition

Posted in Audio Archive by Tyler at 01:36, Apr 01 2005

The nay sayers said Jack you cant do another show, you shouldnt do another show, you cant top the inaugural edition. But we aim to prove them wrong. Jack and Incher are not flashes in the pan. In Your Head the Inaugural edition will not go down in the history books as a one time moment of greatness, a single finite masterpiece. NO, it was Jack's seed planted in your soul where our show will blossom and grow into a mighty oak deep within your hearts. Travel on the journey with us, as we embark on the quest to make In Your Head the obscure wrestling related internet only talk show that an elite few will love, or at least know exists.

NOTE: In this 2nd episode, the internet wrestling Gods cursed the show with some minor audio problems. The voice of Jack is interupted through out the show. Do not fret loyal Jackers, Barbedwire and the Inchman were there to save the show.

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